Cover Photo taken by Anne Audet (at Rockingham Church)

Welcome to Marc Audet Music (and NORTH RENFREW Folk Music Group)

Welcome everybody to my website, and thanks for spending some time here. I love being creative, I love music and how beneficial it is in many ways, I love history and exploring the traces of the past that can be found in wilderness areas, and I love bringing all of this together in historical songwriting. Better still, I love performing sets of music that convey the interesting heritage and history of my part of the world, the Ottawa Valley in CANADA. Take a look at the graphic below that maps out where my historical songwriting takes you throughout the Ottawa Valley.

Be sure to check out songs from my four albums on the Music page (/music), THOSE DAYS (2024), OPEN WATER (2023), FORGOTTEN MEMORIES (2021) and  THE RIVER (2019). Please support me by downloading my music and adding my music to your playlists. My music is also available on most streaming platforms  like Spotify, Bandcamp, iTunes, Apple Music, Amazon Music, YouTube Music, etc. Just search for Marc Audet to find my albums.

This website is also home to my folk music group NORTH RENFREW. We have a refreshingly unique sound and our goal is to share our music of festival stages. If you are a festival Artistic Director, book us! You won't regret it.

Latest News - 2024 July

Outdoor concerts and North Renfrew band practices are what July is to me musically, although songwriting continues as I work on several beautiful new songs. July also includes some get away time to disappear into the wilderness with a canoe and a guitar that doesn't mind getting wet. It is on those trips that inspiration can come, so having a guitar and a campfire is a wonderful combination. 

I have some gaps in my schedule for August and September, so there is opportunity to book me to bring my folklore show FORGOTTEN MEMORIES to your world. Audiences absolutely LOVE to hear about Canadian history and heritage with soulful folk songs (/shows-and-reviews). This unique folklore show is coming to several museums/historical societies over the next months, as well as Algonquin Park (Ontario Parks).  I love sharing my music and stories. 

It is with great pleasure that I continue to promote my new full length album THOSE DAYS: it is now available for listening, digital download and for CD purchase (/album/2747724/those-days).  THOSE DAYS offers an Ottawa Valley strain of folk music with accordion, whistle, fiddle, mandolin, piano, banjo, harmonica and beautiful harmony vocals (not at the same time though!). The collection of songs covers all the bases regarding song topics, musical stylings, and the impressions that they leave. Songs about the history and heritage of the Ottawa Valley are there as well. Take a musical tour of the creative notions of songwriter Marc Audet.

This album release follows in the wake of the 2023 December release of my EP OPEN WATER (/album/2704939/open-water). Six songs are new mixes of songs from my 2019 album THE RIVER, and the seventh (bonus) track is Close to Home, a song that I wrote to benefit an important heath care facility being built in the North Renfrew district of the Ottawa Valley.  Those remixed RIVER songs sound fantastic thanks to a sound specialist who reshaped the original recordings, creating an open and airy sound. I absolutely love these new mixes. Half of the proceeds EP sales (song downloads) will go to the hospital foundation to support the heath care facility project.

Thanks for spending time on my website, stay healthy, be kind to each other, and enjoy life!.  If you enjoy my music, sign up for notifications (/contact), or send me a note of encouragement.

Here's a neat graphic - the geo-demographics of Marc Audet Music. The song places mark the route of my musical tour of the Ottawa Valley in the folklore video series Forgotten Memories of the Ottawa Valley (/videos). I promised a friend that I would write a song about the logging and river drives along the Schyan River, so hopefully that'll appear on the map before long. 

If you haven't heard some of these songs, and stories, spend some time exploring my video series Forgotten Memories of the Ottawa Valley. Better still, book me to entertain in the new year ... I love house concerts.

Upcoming Live Shows

I am currently booking shows for August and September. My focus with performing is to concentrate on house concerts and specialty shows where audiences are attentive and interested in my music.  I will still be performing occasionally in pubs and restaurants, and at summer markets, so watch for those shows as well. There will also be FaceBook livestream shows occasionally where I can reach out to followed in other parts of Canada and worldwide. Find me and follow me on FaceBook for those show announcements.

Come out to check out my live shows, whether in a pub, a festival, a house concert, a gallery, or wherever I can find an opportunity to perform.

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